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Really, More?

Mom was doing so well.  She was slowly gaining her strength back and had already had to have her hair cut a few times.  Her oncologist was amazed at how well she was doing, and the progress she was making.  However, she did warn mom not to push herself to hard though, to push, but not as hard as she was.  Things were looking up for her! During the deer hunt, just before Halloween, my mom feel off her stairs.  She had passed out and fell backwards onto the hardwood floor.  She was taken to the hospital by ambulance, she had broke her wrist really bad.  A week later she would have surgery to reset her bones.  The surgery was very painful, and that night she was in a lot of pain.  I know my mom is in excruciating pain when she says that the pain is worse then her chemo pain.  Sadly, the pain pills were not working, nothing was.  She wanted the pain to stop, even if that meant giving up. A day or two after her surgery, while a n...

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