The Pain

This past week was mom's bad week. She saw Dr. Lin on Wednesday, February 6, for her blood work results. Her kidney's are still functioning the same, which we are all happy about. She has thrush, which see seems to get every time she has a chemo session, and she has red bumps on her scalp. The Doctor thinks it is probably a side affect of the chemo and not an infection, she gave her a cream to rub on her scalp.

Her bones ache all throughout her body, even in her face. I can tell when it is really bad because she can hardly talk, it hurts so bad she doesn't want to move her jaw. She said sometimes she thinks throwing up and being sick to her stomach all the time would be better then hurting all over the way she does. It is like having the flu but 20 times worse. I feel so bad that she has to be in such pain, I have never known my mom to cry because of pain, until now. She has a high tolerance for pain, so I can only imagine how bad she is hurting. But they do give her medication for it and it does help some.

She has not gone completely bald yet. Her hair grows back a little before her next treatment. She has a turban that she wears, and a couple of wigs. The wigs drive her nuts though so she only wears them when she goes out. She looks so good, healthy. I was with my mom a week ago and we ran into my neighbor. My neighbor was surprised at how well my mom looked. She said that you would never know what my mom is going through. It is true, she looks wonderful. I hope she can continue to feel this well through her next 2 sessions. She has been so lucky not to have had all the side affects of chemo. She very rarely is sick to her stomach and has not had any mouth sores. Knock on wood!

Mom has been missing her Dad  a lot this last week. He has gone to live with my Aunt, my mom's sister,  while my mom is sick. My Aunt lives a couple hours away from my mom, so she has not been able to see him since she started her chemo. My Grandpa has Alzheimer's and my mom has been his caregiver for the last four years. He had become very dependent on her, and she knew his routine. So taking him out of his environment has made him regress. She has been very upset by this lately, and it has made her bad week a bit worse. But this is the way it has to be, she must put herself first. He is well taken care of, and she can concentrate on getting well.

My mom is such a strong woman. I am so glad that she is doing so well. I pray that she continues to stay as healthy and strong as she has during her previous treatments!

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed! Lot's of love!


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