Hospital Stay

I am missing my mom so much. I have not been able to see her since her birthday, which was 2 weeks ago. It has been a very hard couple of weeks.

On Thursday, February 28, mom was not doing very well. She was really light headed, could barely walk 5 feet without needing to sit down. Every time she got up she felt like she was going to faint. My sister in-law, Robyn, went to the house and took mom's blood pressure, it was extremely low. My dad came home from work and took her to the ER.

They admitted her that night. She had a really low white blood cell count, and an infection in her blood. Her kidney level count was also down. We were all so worried about her but there was nothing we could do, we could not go see her. Dad had to wear a gown over his clothes, a mask, and gloves in order to be near her.
She had been doing so well, I guess too well. The ER doctor told her that the third treatment is usually the toughest on people.

She ended up staying 2 nights, and was released on Saturday. They gave her 3 units of blood, to help her bone marrow. And a lot of fluids to try to get her kidney levels up. She was given antibiotics, and was sent home with a prescription for them also. By Saturday you could tell she was doing 100% better, she sounded so much stronger.

What a scare she gave us all! I hope that she does not have to do this all over again, with her next chemo session. I am so glad that Robyn was there to take care of her, she is so wonderful to my parents!
Mom has continued to do well since being released from the hospital, but is getting a little stir crazy. She is not aloud to go out in public, and we don't dare visit her for fear that we will give her something. I am having major mom withdrawals, she is my best friend and I am missing her!

Thanks for reading, lots of love!


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