5 Down 1 To Go

It has been awhile since I have updated you all, sorry. A lot has been going on, good and bad. So I will do my best to catch you up on what has been happening.

Mom was feeling well enough to come visit us for Easter. Every year we get together, somewhere in the nice, warm sunshine of Dixie. This year we decided to just have it at my sister's house, we did not want mom around to many people.  My Brother in-law and niece and nephew were done from up north, which added to the fun!  We had an egg hunt  for the kids and ate lunch.  It was a really nice, relaxing day and the kids were so excited to have grandma and grandpa there.  Mom was doing alright, I could definitely tell that this last chemo had taken more out of her.  She was more weak and a little shaky. She looks as though she may be losing weight, her face seems more sunk in and her arms are tiny.  She has that sick person look, which is totally normal, I am actually surprised she is just starting to look this way. I thought she has done surprisingly well for having as many treatments as she has had.  Maybe I am just one who expects the worst, so to see her doing so well is not what I had expected.  When she and my dad arrived back home that night, she was exhausted.  Her legs had swelled up and she was aching pretty bad.  But she had enjoyed her day with her family and soaked up some sun! Here is a picture of her with some of the grandkids.

My Grandpa, mom's dad, has not been doing well.  The Doctor's are having a hard time controlling his seizures.  He went into a nursing home on April 1st, but was transported to the Hospital not long after because of his seizures.  He has been in the hospital for about a week.  They have two Neurologist working on trying to find a medication that will work for him.  My mom and her sisters told the Doctors to do whatever they had to do to get them under control, even if that means taking him off his Alzheimer's medication as well as the others.  The seizures are very hard on his body.  My brother and his family drove my mom up to see him on Saturday, he was still in the ICU.  She said he looked good, but was very tired.  He had a hard time staying awake and could only mumble when he tried talking.  It was good for her to see him, it made her feel better to see how he was doing for herself.  Still it must be so hard for her, to see him laying there so helpless. He has always been such a strong and healthy man.  I know somewhat of how he must feel, having a seizure is like running a marathon.  All you can do is sleep afterwards, it drains you mentally and physically. They have him on a feeding tube right now, and they are going to transport him to a care facility closer to home.  Hopefully by the end of the week.

Mom had her 5th chemo session on Wednesday, April 3.  She only has one more left and then a radiation treatment. We are all so excited that it is finally coming to an end! She has been doing well with this session.  She just started to get the usual sore throat yesterday.  Today she is aching and starting to feel weak, but the side affects have come on more slowly this time then the last two.

I can only imagine they way my mom must be feeling. Being sick and not being able to be with her dad, feeling helpless and too far away. So sick that all you want is your mom and dad with you.  I know that feeling, this last week has been crazy around my house.  My little one has been sick with flu like symptoms for three and a half weeks.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband by my side.  But sometimes you  just need your parents to make things better.  I think everyone feels that way.  When I am really sick I want my parents, nobody takes care of a sick child better then there parent.  Even if that child is now a grown adult!

Thanks for reading, lots of love!


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