Mom 2 Cancer 0

Six rounds of chemotherapy and sixteen radiation treatments.  Unforgettable pain, not knowing whether you can make it another day.  Loosing her hair and grieving the loss of her father.  Being secluded from the outside world for months.  Six months worth of dealing with things you would not wish upon your worst enemy.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, my mom was told she was in the clear.  Her cancer spots are gone!  What a long awaited relief it was to hear those words!  This woman, my mom, who had endured so much over a six month period was told she was free to live her life again.

Easier said then done! Mom has had a hard time adjusting back to life.  With her father gone, she has nobody to keep her busy.  She is understandably stir crazy, after months of being stuck in the house weak and sick.  She now has more strength then she has had in months.  Not as much as she thinks she does though.  On days that she is feeling really good she thinks she can conquer the world, which I would say she already has!  But she out does herself, whether it be by cleaning or shopping, she pushes too hard.

Dr. Lyn, the Oncologist, told my mom that she is very happy with how healthy and strong she looks.  Most of her patients don't look so good.  She said that my mom needs to be active but not to active.  Not to push herself, to learn to recognize her new limits.  She told my mom that she will never be 100% back to the way she felt before, but she will learn to live life a new way.  It will take at least a year before she starts feeling somewhat normal again.  She just needs to take things slow!

Mom will see Dr. Lyn in three months for a follow up, and then again at a 6 month follow up.  At the six month follow up they will run a scan, either a CT Scan or a PET Scan.  They will do a scan every six months.  And she has an appointment this Tuesday with the kidney specialist, whom she will continue to see.
And just a warning, to that bully know as Cancer.  My mom has defeated you twice, you might as well give up!  You will never win, don't come back!

Thanks for reading, lots of love!


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