Chemo #6: Ring The Bell It's Over

On April 24, mom had her 6th and last chemo treatment, yay! After 4 long months of doctor's and sickness, she has won the battle! The Doctors are positive that they have put her in remission, but they want do make sure by having her do radiation as well. Which will be a piece of cake, compared to her chemo. She and the rest of us want the Doctors to do all they can to make sure she is in remission. So bring it on, she can handle it! It was a wonderful day, after her session she rang the bell, signaling that she had finished.

A couple of days before her last session, she wasn't sure she wanted to go through with it. She had lost some of her strength and her will to keep fighting, after her dad had passed away. She was not sure she had it in her to continue her fight. My mom told me that the one thing she has learned from this is that people need to do what makes them happy. She said that she wants her family to do what makes them happy, no matter the cost, she wants them to have happy lives. Her children need to be happy in whatever they do, that is all she wants.

The night of May 9, mom asked my dad to sleep right next to her and watch her sleep, to make sure she was still breathing.  She told him to not let her die in her sleep, because I would kill her if she died without me being able to see her.  She later told me that she really thought she was going to die that night. She had not felt good that day, a little sluggish all day, and she mentioned that she felt like she was burning up.  By the next day she had to be taken to the hospital, she was not doing very well. The Doctors told her that she would need 5 pints of blood and would probably be in the hospital for 4 days. Her white blood cell count was very low, along with her blood pressure. By the next morning she had received her blood and other fluids, they had pumped them through her all night. It is amazing what someone else's blood will do for you, she felt like a new woman the next day! They released her that afternoon, she felt and looked 100% better.

When my mom later told me that she didn't know if she was going to make through that one night, it put goosebumps on my arms. I felt a cold chill run through my body. What would I or my father and siblings do without her in our lives? Nobody wants to think of life without their parents. I did smile at her as I thanked her for thinking of how I would feel if she left without me being able to see her, she was right, I would be mad. She he knows me too well!

You know, one can only imagine how she must have been feeling that night. She was exhausted, loosing her dad was to much to handle on top of the pain her body was in from her chemo. My mom had mentioned to me after my grandpa had died, that she was not sure she could get through this last one. I told her to look back at what she has been through these past 4 months, more then most people could endure. Chemo and all the crap that comes along with it, the weakness and aching, the sleepless nights, not being able to drag yourself out of bed.  All of it is more then anyone should  have to endure, ever.  And you have done it, you have made it this far, why not finish? You can do it, if anyone can it is you, lets make sure your cancer is in remission for sure.

She finished her last treatment of chemo, just like the fighter she is! The cancer board recommended that she do 16 rounds of radiation. So she will be starting those, and once that is done she will officially be in remission!

Thanks for reading, lots of love!

                                                     My mom and niece Khloee ringing the bell!


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