More Side Affects

It has been awhile, so I will be writing a little each day within the next couple of days to catch you up!

So I have noticed that my mom has been a little more tired then usual. She seems really low on energy. I think with every treatment she seems to have more side effects. Which is probably totally normal, I am sure. It is just tough seeing your mom that way.

Mom and Dad surprised us the day before Valentine's Day, by showing up at our house unexpectedly. We were thrilled to see them, especially the boys! They miss Grandma and Grandpa so much, Paxton talks about them all the time. He is always wanting to go to their house. Being able to see her, although not often, makes me feel better. It puts my mind at ease to see her and not just talk to her on the phone.

She saw the Nephrologist, kidney specialist, for a follow up visit.  He said her kidney count has gone up which is wonderful.  It is probably due to the high level of fluids they give her. He was thrilled and so are we!  We have been so worried about the affects the chemo would  have on her kidneys, this is wonderful news.

My sister Collette and her family were able to come down and spend a few days.  Mom was so happy to see them.  My niece ended up sick so they had to stay at my Grandpa's house. But mom would put a mask on and sneak in the house to see her! 
Dr. Lin said that she wants mom to do a total of four treatments.  But she will do a CT Scan on her after her third to check on the size of the tumor.  So maybe her next treatment will be her last! From the way it sounds though, I think she will have at least four total.  But I could be wrong. 

She has been holding up wonderfully, I am so amazed by her strength!  She handles things so strongly, I am very proud of her.  Once a Dr. told me how well I had handled my illnesses, I guess I was lucky enough to have inherited that from my mom!  I am lucky! 
Thanks for reading, lots of love!


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