ER Trip

Mom had to go to the ER last night, March 23. While her neighbor, Jean, was visiting with her yesterday afternoon, she fainted. Jean was able to catch her and keep her from falling to the floor. She took my mom's blood pressure, it was really low, so she drove my mom to the ER. My dad met them there.

They hooked her up to some liquids and drew some blood. Everything checked out okay, her white blood cell count was okay, and her blood pressure went back to normal. They released her within a couple of hours. They told her it is just part of the chemo side affects, just to take it easy. She has to call her oncologist on Monday and let her know what happened.

She has been really weak and tired lately. A little achy and nauseated, but mostly just weak and tired. It makes me nervous that she is there alone most of the day, until dad gets home. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful lady, Jean, living next door to our parents. She is so good to them.

My grandpa, my mom's dad, has not been doing very well lately. He has been in the hospital twice this month for seizures. I can only imagine how hard it is for my mom not to be there for him. I know it is hard for me not to be with my mom, to go to her every time she is feeling down and having a horrible day. I miss her so much, sometimes a girl just needs her mom.

Thanks for reading, lots of love!


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