2nd round

Mom had her second round of chemo yesterday, Jan. 31. She saw her Oncologist, Dr. Lyn, in the morning before she started. Dr. Lyn told her that the results from her blood work show that her kidney's are still functioning good, as good as they can, which is a relief. The Dr. also told her that she wants to push for 4 chemo treatments instead of just 3, which is what the plain was when she first found out she had cancer. The original  plan was that she would have 4-6 chemo treatments. Now we will do 4, then she will have another CT Scan. The day went well, she was there for 4 hours. She was really tired and had the shakes afterwords, probably from the Benadryl they give her.      

Today mom is feeling more of the nausea then the first go around. But the pills take care of it, so she is able to eat. She said that Ryan and Sandy, my cousins, brought some stew over for dinner and that is was delicious. I am so happy she has such wonderful people there to take care of her and my dad! Thank you all so much! 

I hate these next couple of weeks, not being able to see her. I don't dare go around her because who knows what my boys have brought home to share with me! It seems like one of us always has some sickness. I have been thinking that maybe this is one of God's ways to help my siblings and I learn to rely on each other for things, instead of our parents so much. Not that our parents are going anywhere soon, but they will be gone one day, and then what? They do so much for us. I call them with all of my problems, they can fix anything. Just ask my husband, "Well my dad can do it, so I will just have him do it!" Or when I call my mom all the time to vent! Now my brother gets to fix things, and my sisters and I listen to each other vent, and help each other with the kids! Not that I don't like that, I am so lucky to have such wonderful siblings, and nieces and nephews. Maybe this is a way to strengthen us?  

When I was younger I asked my older sister why God had given me a Brain Tumor, she looked at me and told me that God only gives you what he knows you can handle. So God must know you are pretty tough, she said with a smile! That made me feel better, knowing that I would be able to handle whatever happened in life because I had survived my Brain Tumor, so I could handle anything. God had confidence in me.  

Thanks for reading, lots of love!


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